Cost Recovery for Part IV Environmental Protection Act, 1986

Closed 22 Oct 2021

Opened 20 Sep 2021


On 20 September 2021, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation released the discussion paper Implementing cost recovery for Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986, and consultation draft of the Environmental Protection (Cost Recovery) Regulations 2021. The paper and draft regulations outlined a draft pricing model to implement fees and charges for the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. Fees were proposed for the referral, assessment and implementation of proposals. 

The cost recovery model is designed to enable the State Government to better meet the expectations of industry and the community in protecting the environment. The department will use the funding received to provide a timely and effective service while ensuring strong environmental protection remains.

These documents were available for public consultation for five weeks, closing on 22 October 2021. A total of 28 submissions were received. The department considered those submissions during finalisation of the Environmental Protection (Cost Recovery) Regulations 2021 and development of the corresponding policy: Implementing the Environmental Protection (Cost Recovery) Regulations 2021

The department has prepared a consultation summary report and would like to thank all individuals and organisations that gave feedback.  

Consultation documents:

Discussion paper

Consultation summary

Environmental Protection (Cost Recovery) Regulations 2021

Policy: Implementing the Environmental Protection (Cost Recovery) Regulations 2021

Why your views matter

Feedback on the fees payable by proponents who have projects assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) will be used to inform and refine the cost recovery model. 

What happens next

This Consultation has now closed. For further information please contact


  • Public


  • Environmental Protection