Bilateral Agreements Regulations

Closed 14 Sep 2021

Opened 24 Aug 2021


Amendments to the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) provide for a person to apply for a matter to be considered a ‘bilateral matter’. In broad terms, this is a process for a person who is potentially covered by a bilateral agreement to opt in to being dealt with under that bilateral agreement.

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) sought feedback on the draft Environmental Protection (Bilateral Agreements) Regulations 2021 which set out procedures for how and when a person may apply for a matter to be dealt as a ‘bilateral matter’ under a bilateral agreement.

An explanatory note was published alongside the draft regulations to guide stakeholders through the meaning of the draft regulations and how they would apply.

The three-week consultation applied to the regulations only and not to any potential approval bilateral agreement.

The public consultation period ran from Tuesday 24 August 2021 to 5pm on Tuesday 14 September 2021.

Consultation outcome

The department would like to thank everyone who made a submission during the consultation phase. The Consultation summary report is available.

The feedback received through this process helped to inform the final Environmental Protection (Bilateral Agreements) Regulations 2021, which were gazetted on 22 October 2021.

Submissions received

Association of Mining and Exploration Companies

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association

Department of Transport and the Public Transport Authority

Environmental Defenders Office

Kimberley Pilbara Cattlemens Association

Main Roads WA

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA

Western Australian Local Government Association

Related documents

Environmental Protection (Bilateral Agreements) Regulations 2021 - Consultation draft

Explanatory note

Consultation summary report


  • Public


  • strategic policy