Your details
1. What is your name?
Susan Boylan
4. Do your views officially represent those of an organisation?
Please select one item
Radio button:
No, these are my personal views
Radio button:
Yes, I am authorised to submit feedback on behalf of an organisation
5. Which of the following represents your, or your organisation's, primary interest in native vegetation?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Environmental management
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Local Government
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
State Government
Radio button:
6. Has the Policy's context adequately covered native vegetation values, opportunities and challenges? (Select all that apply)
Please select all that apply
The context section is broadly satisfactory
There are elements to be addressed (use text box below)
Please provide details on missing elements in the text box below
This is more about policy building , rather than real impact on maintaining what natural areas we have left. Spending time on reforming reforms and hashing over old ground is time we don't have,while natural vegetation is disappearing at a rapid rate. Policies like this ( coastal erosion policy as an example ) are not working documents but merely parameters to base the next plethora of policies that are then ignored.
Guiding Principles
7. How suitable are the guiding principles in providing a contemporary foundation for managing native vegetation? (Select all that apply)
Please select all that apply
The guiding principles are broadly suitable
There are elements to be addressed (use text box below)
Please provides details on missing elements in the text box below.
The word acknowledgement is problematic, and we see this in action when a Government can acknowledge a Bush Forever site as important but then sell it off to housing development. Acknowledgement is not enough. It doesn't involve any action.
Strategies and outcomes
8. How well do you support the strategies and outcomes?
Strategies: The four strategies working together to enable policy evaluation and improvement Strongly support Radio button: Checked Strongly support | Strategies: The four strategies working together to enable policy evaluation and improvement Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Strategies: The four strategies working together to enable policy evaluation and improvement Neither Radio button: Not checked Neither | Strategies: The four strategies working together to enable policy evaluation and improvement Opposed Radio button: Not checked Opposed | Strategies: The four strategies working together to enable policy evaluation and improvement Strongly opposed Radio button: Not checked Strongly opposed |
Outcome 1: Native vegetation is conserved and restored at landscape scale Strongly support Radio button: Checked Strongly support | Outcome 1: Native vegetation is conserved and restored at landscape scale Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Outcome 1: Native vegetation is conserved and restored at landscape scale Neither Radio button: Not checked Neither | Outcome 1: Native vegetation is conserved and restored at landscape scale Opposed Radio button: Not checked Opposed | Outcome 1: Native vegetation is conserved and restored at landscape scale Strongly opposed Radio button: Not checked Strongly opposed |
Outcome 2: Certainty, transparency and data sharing improve Strongly support Radio button: Checked Strongly support | Outcome 2: Certainty, transparency and data sharing improve Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Outcome 2: Certainty, transparency and data sharing improve Neither Radio button: Not checked Neither | Outcome 2: Certainty, transparency and data sharing improve Opposed Radio button: Not checked Opposed | Outcome 2: Certainty, transparency and data sharing improve Strongly opposed Radio button: Not checked Strongly opposed |
Outcome 3: Improved policy, practice and evaluation Strongly support Radio button: Checked Strongly support | Outcome 3: Improved policy, practice and evaluation Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Outcome 3: Improved policy, practice and evaluation Neither Radio button: Not checked Neither | Outcome 3: Improved policy, practice and evaluation Opposed Radio button: Not checked Opposed | Outcome 3: Improved policy, practice and evaluation Strongly opposed Radio button: Not checked Strongly opposed |
Outcome 4: Native vegetation outcomes are achieved, together with other State priorities Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Outcome 4: Native vegetation outcomes are achieved, together with other State priorities Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Outcome 4: Native vegetation outcomes are achieved, together with other State priorities Neither Radio button: Not checked Neither | Outcome 4: Native vegetation outcomes are achieved, together with other State priorities Opposed Radio button: Not checked Opposed | Outcome 4: Native vegetation outcomes are achieved, together with other State priorities Strongly opposed Radio button: Checked Strongly opposed |
Please provide details on improving outcomes below.
Outcome 4 is open to manipulation and can undo all other Outcomes listed. If other priorities are considered when conserving natural areas, such as housing, roads, business and tourism, then the conservation of these areas is compromised. You either conserve them full stop, or not bother with a conservation policy. Take Bush forever sites: they were labelled Bush forever for a reason. And yet can be undone due to other priorities.
Goals and Approaches
9. How suitable are the goals and approaches in guiding implementation of the policy?
Strategy 1 goals and approaches Suitable Radio button: Not checked Suitable | Strategy 1 goals and approaches Somewhat suitable Radio button: Not checked Somewhat suitable | Strategy 1 goals and approaches Neither Radio button: Checked Neither | Strategy 1 goals and approaches Somewhat unsuitable Radio button: Not checked Somewhat unsuitable | Strategy 1 goals and approaches Unsuitable Radio button: Not checked Unsuitable |
Strategy 2 goals and approaches Suitable Radio button: Not checked Suitable | Strategy 2 goals and approaches Somewhat suitable Radio button: Not checked Somewhat suitable | Strategy 2 goals and approaches Neither Radio button: Checked Neither | Strategy 2 goals and approaches Somewhat unsuitable Radio button: Not checked Somewhat unsuitable | Strategy 2 goals and approaches Unsuitable Radio button: Not checked Unsuitable |
Strategy 3 goals and approaches Suitable Radio button: Not checked Suitable | Strategy 3 goals and approaches Somewhat suitable Radio button: Not checked Somewhat suitable | Strategy 3 goals and approaches Neither Radio button: Checked Neither | Strategy 3 goals and approaches Somewhat unsuitable Radio button: Not checked Somewhat unsuitable | Strategy 3 goals and approaches Unsuitable Radio button: Not checked Unsuitable |
Strategy 4 goals and approaches Suitable Radio button: Not checked Suitable | Strategy 4 goals and approaches Somewhat suitable Radio button: Not checked Somewhat suitable | Strategy 4 goals and approaches Neither Radio button: Checked Neither | Strategy 4 goals and approaches Somewhat unsuitable Radio button: Not checked Somewhat unsuitable | Strategy 4 goals and approaches Unsuitable Radio button: Not checked Unsuitable |
Strategy 1 goals and approaches
Strategy 2 goals and approaches
Strategy 3 goals and approaches
Strategy 4 goals and approaches
10. Which roadmap actions are most important?
Regionally-tailored objectives and priorities (Actions 1.1 - 1.3) High priority Radio button: Checked High priority | Regionally-tailored objectives and priorities (Actions 1.1 - 1.3) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | Regionally-tailored objectives and priorities (Actions 1.1 - 1.3) Low priority Radio button: Not checked Low priority |
Monitor and evaluate policy implementation (Action 1.4) High priority Radio button: Not checked High priority | Monitor and evaluate policy implementation (Action 1.4) Medium priority Radio button: Checked Medium priority | Monitor and evaluate policy implementation (Action 1.4) Low priority Radio button: Not checked Low priority |
Review of existing mechanisms for protecting native vegetation (Action 1.5) High priority Radio button: Checked High priority | Review of existing mechanisms for protecting native vegetation (Action 1.5) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | Review of existing mechanisms for protecting native vegetation (Action 1.5) Low priority Radio button: Not checked Low priority |
A focus on the Wheatbelt (Action 1.6 and 3.4) High priority Radio button: Checked High priority | A focus on the Wheatbelt (Action 1.6 and 3.4) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | A focus on the Wheatbelt (Action 1.6 and 3.4) Low priority Radio button: Not checked Low priority |
Transparency of decision-making (Actions 2.1 - 2.3) High priority Radio button: Checked High priority | Transparency of decision-making (Actions 2.1 - 2.3) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | Transparency of decision-making (Actions 2.1 - 2.3) Low priority Radio button: Not checked Low priority |
Systems to support decision-making and data sharing (Action 2.4) High priority Radio button: Checked High priority | Systems to support decision-making and data sharing (Action 2.4) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | Systems to support decision-making and data sharing (Action 2.4) Low priority Radio button: Not checked Low priority |
Improve efficiency and clarity of the clearing permit process (Action 2.5) High priority Radio button: Checked High priority | Improve efficiency and clarity of the clearing permit process (Action 2.5) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | Improve efficiency and clarity of the clearing permit process (Action 2.5) Low priority Radio button: Not checked Low priority |
Native vegetation mapping and monitoring (Actions 3.1 to 3.3) High priority Radio button: Checked High priority | Native vegetation mapping and monitoring (Actions 3.1 to 3.3) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | Native vegetation mapping and monitoring (Actions 3.1 to 3.3) Low priority Radio button: Not checked Low priority |
Incentives and pricing for good stewardship (Action 4.1) High priority Radio button: Not checked High priority | Incentives and pricing for good stewardship (Action 4.1) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | Incentives and pricing for good stewardship (Action 4.1) Low priority Radio button: Checked Low priority |
Environmental offsets (Actions 4.1a) & 4.2) High priority Radio button: Not checked High priority | Environmental offsets (Actions 4.1a) & 4.2) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | Environmental offsets (Actions 4.1a) & 4.2) Low priority Radio button: Checked Low priority |
Other (use textbox) High priority Radio button: Not checked High priority | Other (use textbox) Medium priority Radio button: Not checked Medium priority | Other (use textbox) Low priority Radio button: Checked Low priority |