Ban on e-waste disposal to landfill in Western Australia

Closed 31 Mar 2023

Opened 23 Jan 2023


The State Government is committed to a ban on e-waste disposal to landfill by 2024.

Banning e-waste from disposal to landfill supports our vision for a low-carbon Western Australia with a healthy environment and secure water resources for future generations. The ban also supports the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 vision for the state to become a sustainable, low-waste, circular economy in which human health and the environment are protected from the impacts of waste.


Public consultation closed on 31 March 2023.

Industry and the community were encouraged to provide feedback on implementation approaches for the ban on e-waste disposal to landfill in Western Australia. Supporting materials:


Consultation summary report

Consultation submissions

Decision Regulatory Impact Statement


  • Public


  • Waste Policy