36 results
Climate change issues paper - consultation
The Government of Western Australia sought public comment on the Climate Change in Western Australia - Issues paper to help inform the development of the state's new climate policy. The issues paper was open for public comment from 4 September 2019 to 29 November 2019. Consultation outcome The department thanks everyone who made a submission during the consultation phase. Submitted responses are available where consent has been given to publish. Feedback gathered during... MoreOpened 4 September 2019 -
Environmental Protection Act 1986 amendments consultation
The Government of Western Australia sought public comment on proposed amendments to the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and released a discussion paper and an Exposure draft Bill . The amendments aim to improve regulatory efficiency and effectiveness and facilitate the implementation of the bilateral agreements under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to deliver better environmental protection and sustainable development outcomes. The... MoreOpened 28 October 2019 -
Managing amplified music noise in entertainment precincts
The Government of Western Australia and the City of Perth are working together to engage the community in discussions about how to manage noise from amplified music. The proposed reforms are aimed at balancing the competing needs of entertainment venues, other businesses and residents in vibrant entertainment precincts such as Northbridge. We sought feedback on the issues and questions outlined in the consultation paper: Managing amplified music noise in entertainment precincts . ... MoreOpened 22 November 2019 -
Review of the waste levy
In 2020, the department called for public comments on the Review of the waste levy consultation paper . The consultation paper sought the input of key waste stakeholders as part of the evidence to inform the review. The issues canvassed by the paper included: waste levy rates, including a future schedule of rates the geographical area of the waste levy, and whether it should be expanded applying the waste levy to other waste management methods, such as energy recovery... MoreOpened 20 February 2020 -
Closing the loop: Waste reforms for a circular economy
The waste reform paper Closing the loop contains detailed legislative proposals to improve waste management and the waste levy in Western Australia, and has been published as a consultation regulatory impact statement. The consultation paper follows a 2017 discussion paper published by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation that outlined legislative proposals to improve the waste levy framework and environmental protection regime. During that process, respondents... MoreOpened 20 February 2020 -
Guideline: Reduction waiver or refund of clearing permit application fees
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) is developing new guidance to provide external stakeholders with further information on how the department carries out its regulatory functions under Part V Division 2 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. We sought feedback on the draft Guideline: Reduction, waiver or refund of clearing permit application fees . The draft guideline provides information on when and how the department may... MoreOpened 4 March 2020 -
Draft Guideline: Better Practice Composting
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) is producing a series of industry specific guidelines to provide external stakeholders further information on how the department carries out its regulatory functions under Part V Division 3 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. The draft Guideline: Better practice composting is the first guideline developed in this series. The guideline was developed by the department in collaboration with... MoreOpened 25 May 2020 -
Review of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007
In September 2020, the Government of Western Australia released a discussion paper seeking feedback on the review of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007, the principal legislation for waste management in Western Australia. The Act requires that the legislation be reviewed every five years. The review sought to consider the effectiveness of the legislation in meeting its objectives for reducing waste and encouraging resource recovery and its alignment... MoreOpened 2 September 2020 -
Waste not, want not: Valuing waste as a resource: Discussion paper
The Government of Western Australia has released the Waste not, want not: Valuing waste as a resource discussion paper , and is seeking feedback on the proposed legislative framework for waste-derived materials. The proposed legislative amendments will provide certainty about when waste-derived materials are no longer waste, meaning that licensing under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 would not be required and waste levy requirements would not be triggered where relevant. ... MoreOpened 25 September 2020 -
Managing water in the Fitzroy River Catchment
The Government of Western Australia released the Managing water in the Fitzroy River Catchment: Discussion paper for stakeholder consultation and sought feedback on the options and approaches being considered to protect the Fitzroy River and manage the use of water to support sustainable economic development in the Fitzroy River Catchment. The State Government is working collaboratively to deliver a suite of election commitments to: create the Fitzroy River National Park which... MoreOpened 6 November 2020 -
Derby groundwater allocation plan
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation is responsible for managing the availability and quality of water. Developing water allocation plans is one of the ways we manage the state’s water resources. The department sought feedback on the Derby groundwater allocation plan: for public comment . The plan outlines how much water can be taken from groundwater resources in the Derby region and what local policies and conditions will be applied to water... MoreOpened 19 November 2020 -
Draft Policy: Applications for amendments to clearing permits
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) is developing new guidance to provide external stakeholders with further information on how it carries out its regulatory functions under Part V Division 2 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). The department sought feedback on the draft Policy: Applications for amendments to clearing permits . The draft policy provides guidance on matters that the department considers when making a decision on an... MoreOpened 1 April 2021 -
Draft guideline: Assessment of environmental noise emissions
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) sought public comment on the Draft guideline: Assessment of environmental noise emissions . The guideline is part of a series of technical documents aimed at providing applicants guidance on the department's requirements for the assessment of emissions under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). The guideline sets out the department's information requirements for the analysis of noise emission... MoreOpened 16 June 2021 -
Guideline: Native vegetation referrals
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) released the draft Guideline: Native vegetation referrals on 30 June 2021 for public consultation for one (1) month. The consultation period ended on 30 July 2021. This guideline was developed to inform stakeholders about the new clearing referrals process. Prospective applicants will be able to refer proposed clearing with very low environmental impacts to the relevant department, for a decision on... MoreOpened 30 June 2021 -
Draft guideline: Dust emissions
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) sought public comment on the Draft guideline: Dust emissions. The guideline is part of a series of technical documents aimed at providing guidance on the department's requirements for the assessment of emissions under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). The guideline sets out the department's information requirements for the analysis of dust emission impact from activities at prescribed... MoreOpened 3 August 2021 -
Publication and Confidentiality Regulations
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) sought feedback on the draft Environmental Protection Regulations Amendment (Publication and Confidentiality) Regulations 2021 . The Publication and Confidentiality Regulations improve and streamline the materials that the State Government can publish and hold in confidence, provide greater transparency on the matters that can be held confidential and those matters that the community can expect to be published. ... MoreOpened 24 August 2021 -
Bilateral Agreements Regulations
Amendments to the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) provide for a person to apply for a matter to be considered a ‘bilateral matter’. In broad terms, this is a process for a person who is potentially covered by a bilateral agreement to opt in to being dealt with under that bilateral agreement. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) sought feedback on the draft Environmental Protection (Bilateral Agreements) Regulations 2021 which set out... MoreOpened 24 August 2021 -
Native vegetation policy for WA: Draft for consultation
Public consultation on the Consultation draft: Native vegetation policy for Western Australia has closed. For more information, or to subscribe to receive updates, visit Native vegetation policy for Western Australia . Related documents Draft policy Explanatory notes Consultation summary MoreOpened 30 August 2021 -
Cost Recovery for Part IV Environmental Protection Act, 1986
On 20 September 2021, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation released the discussion paper Implementing cost recovery for Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 , and consultation draft of the Environmental Protection (Cost Recovery) Regulations 2021 . The paper and draft regulations outlined a draft pricing model to implement fees and charges for the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. Fees were proposed for the referral, assessment and implementation... MoreOpened 20 September 2021 -
Aligning domestic garden bore sprinkler roster with the scheme water roster
Across Perth and Mandurah, domestic garden bores collectively abstract around 90 GL (gigalitres, or billion litres) which is equivalent to 90 Optus Stadiums full of water per year, or 22 per cent of all water abstracted from our groundwater systems. Currently, domestic garden bores are able to be used for garden watering three days a week in spring, summer and autumn. As a necessary measure to protect our groundwater resources, there is a proposal to reduce the domestic garden bore... MoreOpened 19 November 2021 -
Draft Gnangara groundwater allocation plan
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation is seeking submissions on the Gnangara groundwater allocation plan: draft for public comment . The draft plan addresses the impact that climate change is having on Perth’s northern groundwater resources and their dependent ecosystems, including caves, wetlands and bushland. Developed in consultation with stakeholders and based on scientific research and groundwater modelling, the 10-year plan proposes reductions to... MoreOpened 19 November 2021 -
Draft guideline: Spring exemptions
On 17 December 2021, the department released the Draft guideline: Spring exemptions under Part III section 5(1)(a) of the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 for public comment . The public consultation period closed on 31 May 2022. We thank all respondents who provided feedback on the draft guideline. All feedback was considered in finalising the spring exemptions guideline. A consultation summary report capturing the main feedback themes... MoreOpened 17 December 2021 -
Draft Procedure for environmental offsets metric inputs
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation sought public comment on the draft Procedure for environmental offsets metric inputs . Once finalised, the procedure will form part of the department’s policy framework. This procedure is for use with the WA environmental offsets metric ( calculator and guideline ). Additional guidance is needed to help users understand the ranges of metric inputs and their rationale. The public... MoreOpened 12 May 2022 -
Environmental Regulation Reform
The passing of the Environmental Protection Amendment Act 2020 (EP Amendment Act) in November 2020 resulted in the most significant reform of Western Australia’s environmental legislation in 30 years. Implementation of these reforms requires the amendment of Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 (EP Regulations). This will necessitate consideration of the scope of activities that require regulation because of emissions and discharges, and also how best to regulate... MoreOpened 12 September 2022 -
Plan for Plastics - Stage 2 regulations - consultation survey for individual community members
On 13 June 2021 the State Government announced Western Australia’s Plan for Plastics . The plan includes regulations to ban single-use plastic items in a two-stage approach. Stage 1 regulations came into effect on 1 January 2022. Stage 2 regulations are now in effect and include the ban of: produce bags expanded plastic packaging expanded plastic cups coffee cups/lids microbeads ... MoreOpened 23 September 2022 -
Plan for Plastics - Stage 2 regulations - consultation survey for businesses
On 13 June 2021 the State Government announced Western Australia’s Plan for Plastics . The plan includes regulations to ban single-use plastic items in a two-stage approach. Stage 1 regulations came into effect on 1 January 2022. Stage 2 regulations are now in effect and include the ban of: produce bags expanded plastic packaging expanded plastic cups coffee cups/lids microbeads ... MoreOpened 23 September 2022 -
Plan for Plastics - Stage 2 regulations - consultation survey (government agencies & organisations)
On 13 June 2021 the State Government announced Western Australia’s Plan for Plastics . The plan includes regulations to ban single-use plastic items in a two-stage approach. Stage 1 regulations came into effect on 1 January 2022. Stage 2 regulations are now in effect and include the ban of: produce bags expanded plastic packaging expanded plastic cups coffee cups/lids microbeads ... MoreOpened 23 September 2022 -
Container deposit scheme – Expanding the scope of eligible beverage containers
The Western Australian container deposit scheme (CDS), Containers for Change , started on 1 October 2020. It delivered a commitment of the WA Government to increase recycling, reduce litter, provide benefits for community groups and charities, and create employment opportunities for people living with disability, Aboriginal people and long-term unemployed people. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) sought feedback on the Discussion paper:... MoreOpened 2 December 2022 -
Planning Scheme Regulations 2023
Changes to the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) being made by the Planning and Development Amendment Act 2020 (PD Amendment Act) will enable the making of regulations to streamline scheme assessments. Currently, all local and regional planning schemes must be referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for a determination on whether the scheme should be assessed under Part IV of the EP Act. In many cases, new or amended planning schemes will not have any... MoreOpened 23 February 2023 -
Draft State waste infrastructure plan
Long-term planning for waste infrastructure at a state level is the basis of headline strategy 6 in the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 Action Plan. It supports the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 vision for the state to become a sustainable, low-waste, circular economy in which human health and the environment are protected from the impacts of waste. The draft state waste infrastructure plan has been developed to provide a long-term information... MoreOpened 4 April 2023
36 results.
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